Legal Disclaimer: 

This site, The Intuitive Walker, PayPal, Venmo, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover card and all service providers used by this web site are not liable for any direct, indirect, or incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from using The Intuitive Walker services available on this site, its content, or its services. 

The Intuitive Walker promises to use reasonable endeavors to ensure that users its services and this website are given positive guidance, however if the client is requesting information relating to: 

* Lost animal recovery: The Intuitive Walker and the owners of this website cannot guarantee that the user’s lost animal will be recovered once the user has used The Intuitive Walker’s services or the services available on this website. The longer the animal has been away, the more difficult it is to find them. While The Intuitive Walker will use their abilities to support you in your efforts to locate lost animals, The Intuitive Walker and the owners of this website can make no guarantees of their recovery. What The Intuitive Walker and the owners of this website can provide are clues that may be helpful to you in your search. 

* Legal matters: It is recommended that clients seek advice from a solicitor/ lawyer. 

* Veterinary questions: The client must seek veterinary advice from a qualified professional. 

* Mental disorders: The client must clarify their condition by taking professional advice from a qualified health professional. 

The Intuitive Walker and the owners of this website shall not be held liable for any stress, monetary loss or loss of income caused by any of its intuitive services or event incurred in the process of providing a service to the user of lost pet recovery. 

The Intuitive Walker and the owners of this website will not be held responsible for any damages to the user that are the result of using this site or pet intuitive services available on this website. 

This includes the terms below that could cause damage: 

* Failure of the site to conform to the manner or expectation the user expected or desired 

* Linguistic or other types of error 

* Omissions 

* Interruption in the services available on the website 

* Computer usage problems 

* Computer hacking, data theft or theft of personal information 

The Intuitive Walker and the owners of this website are also not liable for any damages caused by: 

* Intuitive readings and services 

* Damages caused to compensate someone from loss or injury 

* Consequential damages 

* Incidental damages 

All intuitive readings and consultations are intended to offer an insight into an animal’s life and do not in any way constitute legal, veterinary, financial, or professional advice. 

By engaging in pet intuitive services on this website, you understand that The Intuitive Walker does not diagnose illnesses, including questions pertaining to death, pet euthanasia, animal behavior, legal issues, financial issues, and veterinary care. 

You understand that the use of this website is merely for reference purposes and is not intended to be regarded as professional judgment or advice on veterinary care, legal and financial issues. 

The Intuitive Walker and the owners of this website or anyone involved with the provision of these services shall not be liable for any damages to users arising from the inability to use the services or from errors caused by negligence or otherwise. 

The Intuitive Walker and the owners of this web site are not liable for delays in providing information or carrying out obligations due to factors beyond our control.